Monday, February 14, 2011

La Boulangerie

A French bakery, or "Boulangerie" in French, is a place you will (or already have) no doubt spend a lot of time in when in Paris or France. In Paris there is usually a boulangerie every two or three blocks. It's unusual if there isn't one in walking distance from where you are staying. The boulangeries usually bake early in the morning then again in late afternoon. So if you go into one at those times, the baguettes or pains au chocolat or whatever you desire are usually warm. The chocolate in your pain au chocolat will be melting! My favorite items are the "chaussons aux pommes." These are like croissants filled with apples, somewhat like an apple turnover but better, and they are especially "delicieux" when they are warm. As a kid in Paris, my friends and I used to buy a warm demi baguette (half a loaf of one of the French breads sold in the boulangeries) each, then we'd split a chocolate bar and stick it inside the warm baguette. It would melt and we'd eat it and enjoy. You can make these yourself in the U.S. Just buy a loaf of French bread, heat it and add chocolate. Kids love this treat.

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